Main Elements of Optimizing Product Listing
Speaking about product listing, we mean that the seller needs to optimize every element of it. Only in this case the result will be excellent. At the same time, for each element you must use your own strategies and rules, because they have their own characteristics.
First, we list the main important elements of the listing that you should pay special attention to:
- title;
- backend;
- images;
- features;
- description;
- reviews;
- ratings.
If you have the usual listing strategy, then there are chances that you are generating sales on a normal scale. But if you want to increase your sales and rank, then you should know how to optimize your listing.
To help you in your journey in Amazon product listing optimization, here are the step-by-step instructions. Let's take a look closer at each of them and explain what you need to do to get your perfect one.
Keyword Research
Сontent optimization is the first task for any seller who wants to defeat competitors and increase sales. Properly selected keywords will help in this.
These are the words that the customers will be entering in the search tab. The keywords describe your product as a whole. Usually customers don't type long sentences just to search for a product. Instead, they use a keyword.
How to Find the Right Keywords?
If you want the chance to get top results, then you should use the right keywords. To find them, you need to do keyword research using different methods.
- Keyword Research Using Special Tools.
When it comes to finding and selecting keywords, manually completing this process is very difficult. To track and find all the keywords (short phrases and phrases with "long tails"), you will have to include all your imagination and spend a lot of time. And the result won't still be ideal, because you never know for sure what kind of phrase the buyer enters in order to find the product he needs.
Fortunately, you can use special search tools to help you make a list of keywords for your product. Among them there are both paid and free resources. However, you should remember that none of them has access to the Amazon database. However, the results they provide will be accurate enough to be used for a successful Amazon product optimization. SEMrush, MerchantWords, Ahrefs, Google Keyword Planner - here are some powerful keyword research tools that you should explore.
- Keyword Research Using Advertising Campaigns.
In detail about how to use advertising campaigns for keyword research, we talked about in our article. And here we will briefly talk about how to find keywords in this way.
If you want to use this method effectively, it’s important that your product has several reviews. Then the use of advertising will give a better result. But even if there are no still reviews, it's worth to try.
You start an automatic advertising campaign for the keywords that are most common for your product. Then after 3-4 weeks, analyze what keywords buyers used for to buy your goods.
After that, you need to run the Phrase Match campaign to make sure that the keywords are selected correctly. After some time, conduct an analysis again and find keywords that exactly match your product.
- Competitor Listing Analysis.
Browse the listings of nearest competitors and evaluate which keywords they use in the name of the product, in its description, in bullets. This method will help to determine how correctly you have selected keywords for your product. After all, if competitors have a high level of sales, it means that buyers find their product easily, and key phrases are chosen correctly.
When you search for something on Amazon, the search form always displays keywords that are most often used by other people. Why don't you take advantage of this? The main proc of such tips is an absolute accuracy. If Amazon shows them, it means that buyers are definitely using them. So you can check some of your keywords and possibly find some other relevant queries.

Primary Keywords
Primary keywords are placed in vital areas. The primary keywords are the keywords visible for the customer. Usually, they are included in the different sections of your listing. You must include the most important keywords that customers will see in the title, description, feature bullets.
Keywords that are less relevant and less important usually place a special section - the backend. The hidden keywords, or also known as backend keywords, are only included in the backend section of the Amazon seller’s account. The hidden keywords will be providing Amazon with more information about a listing or a product. The hidden keywords, hence the name, are not visible to customers.
Such key phrases can be used in the backend. For buyers, such words will not be visible, but your product will still be ranked according to them. This is a great opportunity to use all search phrases as efficiently as possible, because in the backend you can specify up to 250 bytes of additional search terms.
Product Title
Product Title is one of the most important parts of the listing. It is important to place some of the most relevant keywords in it, while placing them should be as close as possible to the beginning. However, remember that excessive use of key phrases will result in Title spam, which will negatively affect overall sales.
The product title should be able to explain what your product is. The product title must not contain any unnecessary words such as offers, claims, marketing, and keywords.
How Long Should a Product Title Be?
Amazon permits only up to 200 characters maximum, and these include the spaces.
For certain product categories, the number of characters available for writing Title may be different. Do not forget about it.
If you are given this limit, then you should put to good use and include weighty keywords in your title for a bigger chance of ending up in the search results.
However, Amazon is against you spamming the Title with too many special search phrases. Now Amazon product Title optimization involves creating an organic and readable title that will be interesting for customers. But at the same time, you should not completely give up keywords.
We will show you how to compose a readable and optimized Title for your product more effectively.
What Details Must Be Included in the Title?
The different details that you should include in the product title are the quantity of the product, its size (if it is important for this product), brand, model, colour (if the product can have several colours), any key element that distinguishes it from the competition. In this case, the headline should carry information useful to the buyer, and not just list the keywords. After writing the Title for your product, put yourself in the place of the buyer and read the title. Would you want to buy it? Does it get attention? If not, then there is something to work on.
Here are additional tips:
- You should capitalize every word.
- Don’t use abbreviations.
- Write numbers as numerals.
- Separate words with spaces for better readability.
- If the goods are delivered in packaging, indicate the number of units in.
For most categories, Amazon recommended to use the following basic formula to create a Title:
[Brand] + [Model Number] + [Model Name] + [ Product Type] + [Size] + [Colour] + [Quantity].
But remember that this is only a basic formula. You can create your ideal Title only by trying its various options based on customer preferences.
Further information can be found here.
Product Image
This is an important feature of product listing. Usually, the product image is not limited to only one photo. It is worth placing a few photos where the product is shown from different angles. It is also important to show its main differences from competitors, while the use of infographics is very effective.
Amazon Product Image Requirements
For Amazon Product Image Optimization, you must first know the different requirements of Amazon. Here are the different requirements that you must follow:
- The image should be placed on 85% of space of the photo.
- The product in the photo should be well lit, placed in focus. Foreign objects, which may mislead the buyer regarding the size, method of use or configuration, are not allowed.
- You can not place additional inscriptions, illustrations, drawings on the main photo.
- The product in the image should fit completely in the frame.
- File Format: TIFF, GIF, JPEG, or PNG.
- Image Size: 1000 px or larger.
- Image Type: Professional Photographer or Cover art.
- Image Color Mode: RGB or CMYK.
Amazon also provides recommendations for additional photos, which are included in the product listing. Details can be found here.
How Many Photos Can I Upload?
In most cases, you can upload up to 9 images. Before you upload images make sure that they fit the Amazon Requirements. Also, each of the images captures the different angles of the product you are selling.
Using the Right Photo
It is important to use pictures that show the different angles of the product you are selling. It gives the customer a perspective to view the product in general. Show also the size of the product through a photo, so the customers get the idea of how large it is. You can also show the original product packaging. This is especially true in the eve of the holidays, when buyers are looking for gifts. So you can show a presentable appearance of the product along with packaging and increase the chances of sale.
If it's possible, take one photo in the form of an infographic, where you can show key features, differences from competitors or other advantages of your product.
Most of all, you must also include a photo of the goods being used. This allows that customers to imagine them using the item. Life photos are the best way to show how the product can make life easier for the buyer or solve his problem. After all, people buy only those things that they really are useful and necessary. Most potential buyers appreciate this.
Of course, professional photography should be used to get the right lighting and angle for a picture-perfect product.
Get more information on optimizing photos on Amazon from our article.
Product Features (Bullet Points)
These characteristics are particular to the products or services that you are selling. It usually describes the appearance of the product in general, capabilities, and distinctive components. The most important information for the buyer should be indicated in bullets. Moreover, in the first two of them you need to write the most important distinguishing characteristics and advantages. You can further enhance the significance of these points by adding to the description the keywords that you identified earlier in the research phase.

How Many Bullet Points Can I Use?
You can have as many bullet points as you want, but not that much, though. Ideally, if you fit all the important information in 5 bullets. So the buyer's attention will not be lost. However, if necessary, you can add another bullet. But do not write more than 6 features, because buyers are unlikely to be able to read them all. Also, each of the bullet points is limited to 250 characters.
What Information Is Placed in the Bullet Points?
You can include the different features or qualities of the product in general. Customization, features of use, dimensions, warranty - all this can be included in the bullets.
A good way to make perfect Bullet Points is to imagine yourself as a buyer. What would you like to know about this product? What problem will it help you to solve? Why is your product unique? What distinguishes your product from the products of your competitors? Answer these questions concisely and accurately, include keywords in your answers, and you will be close to creating a great description for bullet points.
How to Write Bullet Points?
Follow these tips in crafting your very own bullet points:
- Make the description of the quality or feature short and concise.
- You should always start the bullet point in capital letters.
- If you have two separate phrases in one bullet point, use a semicolon between them.
- Stick to the number words (each of the bullet points is limited to 250 characters).
Product Description
Product Description is very important. The product description is the one that explains what the product does and why should a customer buy it. The description gives the customers detailed information about the product such as the different features or benefits so they will be more attracted to the product.
Of course, the description of your product explains the product in general. You can use up to 2000 characters to compose original and engaging content. For you to write a good description of your product, here are some tips that you can follow:
- It Should Be Easy to Read
Don’t go use terms that are hard to understand, remember that you are selling a product not making a story. Make your description concise and easy to read for the convenience of your customers.
- Focus on the Product Benefits
If you want your product to be sold, then you should keep on talking positive things about it. Add to description the different benefits that the customers will be having if they use the item.
- Natural Tone and Language
Use natural tone and language to stay interesting for a potential client. The simpler and more accessible you describe why a customer should buy your product, the more likely it will be sold successfully.
Use words that elicit emotion, words that can bring excitement to the buyer. Using these words can help you to convince them to buy your product. Specify the functions that the product performs, describe the packaging in more detail, try to give answers to questions that, in your opinion, may arise from buyers regarding the product.
Description is the part of the listing, which should dispel the client’s last doubts regarding the purchase. If a person reaches this element of the list and reads it, it means that he (she) is really interested in buying your product. You only need finally to convince the client to make a purchase. And this can be done just with the help of a correctly written description.
Product Reviews
The product review is the qualitative evaluation of the customers. The customers will be describing their experience with the product that they have availed. Product reviews are also a factor for listing optimization. If people see more reviews on your product, the greater their interest in your product grows. Whenever a buyer checks out the product, they will also read the reviews of other users to identify if it is safe to buy or not. And if your product gains more good reviews, the better it is.
Another way to use reviews correctly is to add keywords to them. If you find the right keywords in the reviews of real customers, this can also have a positive effect.
If you want your Amazon product listing optimization to be completed, you must pay attention to every detail even the ratings and reviews. And if you fully optimize your product listing, you may have greater chance to generate more sales and higher ranking in the process.