June 7, 2019

Amazon PPC 2020: Broad Match, Phrase Match and Exact Match Search Types in Sponsored Products Manual Advertising Campaign with Keywords Targeting

Are you new to Amazon Sponsored Products or Amazing PPC? If yes, you need to run campaigns for you to be able to improve your sales and acquire a greater pool of buying customers.

But running Amazon Sponsored Products campaigns, you need time for learning how you can correctly structure while maintaining your ad campaigns from the start.

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What Is a Manual Advertising Campaign

In the world of Amazon advertising, you need to be strategic when it comes to campaigns. This is where you need to leverage your campaigns for your Amazon PPC. This way, you will be able to create winning campaigns as well as get the most out of the Amazon keyword tracking.

Sponsored Products Manual Advertising Campaign with Keyword Targeting is being set up within the Seller Central. In this kind of Ad Campaign format, you can select those keywords you want to bid on. When you are bidding to control where your Ads are spending goes, you can handpick broad, phrase, or exact keywords.

What Are the Pros of Manual Advertising Campaign with Keyword Targeting?

By improving your Amazon Manual Advertising Campaign, you can have a campaign that can help you to create better opportunities. So, choosing this type of Ad campaign, you can experience the following benefits.

  • Reducing bids or pausing low-performing Ads is easy.
  • Ideal for PPC users who have enough time in setting up a manual campaign.
  • Perfect for ACoS and maximizes sales volume.
  • Possible for keyword idea testing.
  • More precise Amazon keyword tracking leading to more sales.

Keyword Match Types

Amazon allows you to specify the keywords for your campaign. But other than that, you will be able to match the several types of searches. You are free to decide when displaying your product advertisement based on the search term matches of your keyword.

To help you to become more familiar with the Keyword Match Types, below is the list for you to review.

1. Broad Match  

Broad match is keywords that allow different advertising platforms like Amazon and Google to display your ad campaigns on a broad basis. Meaning, your Amazon track keywords are matched to search terms that will match your keyword and ensure that they are related to your keywords. It includes the variations, misspellings, and synonyms of your keyword.

This type of keyword can help you to get a larger audience. The more you use broad match keywords, the more audience you may have. On the other hand, the click-through rate is not very optimal.

Furthermore, the broad match keyword in Amazon PPC helps to identify potential keywords. To make this happen, you can run a full keyword campaign for a particular period. Next is to analyze the data and adjust the keywords based on the search terms.

For example, you select the keyword “running shoes,” and it will match the search terms like running shoe, buy running shoes, shoes for running, etc. See the table to better understand when your ad will be shown to customers, and what search phrases can match it.

running shoes

buy running shoes (related)

sports shoes (synonym)

shoes for running (synonym)

runing shoes (misspelling)

black running shoes (related)

sneakers for sports (synonym)

sports shoes for men (related)

running shoes Adidas (related)

white running shoes by Nike (related)

running shoe (misspelling)

professional sports sneakers (related)


2. Phrase Match

Phrase match is keywords that allow the sellers to narrow the target search terms into specified phrases. The key piece of this match-type keyword is it enables you to regulate the word order.

If you can control the order of the word, eliminating the customer search term that are terms being inserted between words in the phrase is possible. On the other hand, it will continue to focus on search terms that will include the words afore or afterward, the keyword phrase. It will also target variations of the phrase, including plurals, abbreviations, stemming, acronyms, singulars, and misspellings.

For example, your product is a dream catcher, and you have chosen the phrase keyword term “best dream catchers.” if you prefer this type of keyword match, the search terms that your ad will target are purple best dream catchers, best d. catchers, best dream catcher, etc. See the table to better understand when your ad will be shown to customers.

best dream catchers

best drem catchers (misspelling)

purple best dream catchers (word before phrase)

best dream catchers sale (word after phrase)

best d. catchers (abbreviations)

best dream catcher (singular)

You may notice that your Amazon track keyword remains in the correct order and intact even the variations are allowed in each word. By using this type of keyword match, you will be able to eliminate the customers who are not necessarily in your target market. As a result, your ad campaign in Amazon PPC will not appear for search terms that are not related to your keyword.

3. Exact Match

If you prefer an exact match keyword, it becomes easier for you to narrow down to the customers searching exactly for the product. It is very specific regarding the search for appropriate traffic.

An Exact match will help you to reduce the number of individuals who are seeing your Ad. However, individuals who see your advertisement are more likely to click your ad since they are searching exclusively for your Amazon keyword tracking.

You can use such Amazon keywords in the title and in the product description. For example, your product is a woman hair spray, and you choose to use the exact match on the keyword “women hair spray.” Examples of such keywords are in the table.

woman hair spray

woman heir spray (misspelling)

women hair sprays (plural)

woman hair sprays (misspelling)


Choosing the Right Search Type

Each of the keyword match types has its pros and cons and unique features. Broad Match type is perfect for you if you are starting with your first ad. You can run this keyword type for a month to obtain reliable data and quickly analyze the customer search terms. After that, you can switch to Phrase and Exact match to determine whether your keywords can get the highest CTR.


When it comes to an online advertisement, especially Amazon PPC, you will need patience. You will not be successful for an instant, so you need to work hard and learn the process. As you continue tracking, testing, and learning, your ad will become better over time.