April 13, 2020

13 Reasons Why Amazon Bans Seller’s Account

Does Amazon ban your seller’s account? Perhaps you are looking for answers why this happened to you. Check out the top 13 reasons why your seller’s account is banned by Amazon.

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Are you one of those people whose accounts are banned by Amazon? On a ground level, selling on Amazon is very basic. All you need to do is to search a product with good demands or margins, list it on the platform, and later it will be sold because of the audience and vast reach of Amazon.

Nevertheless, some sellers might rule out some tricks, no matter if they are intentional or not. Once it is build up, it will bring dangers to the account like being warned, restricted, or suspended.

Why Is Account Blocking a Nightmare for Any Amazon Seller?

For the majority of sellers on Amazon, the suspension is a huge risk to their reputation and income, not to mention that the entire experience could be traumatic. When Amazon bans Seller’s Account, it indicates the seller isn’t permitted to sell a specific product, which has been marked suspended. Sellers will receive a notification from Amazon telling the reason for this and have an ASIN (product number) as a first warning. Later on, a final message will be delivered, announcing the suspension of the account.

Main Reasons Why Amazon Can Block Your Account

If you are one of those sellers whose account has been suspended by the platform, below are the potential reasons behind this action.

Product Quality Complaints

  • Sale of low-quality goods. Your account can be audited or banned if your product is not original, expired, or has a huge functional defect. A product with a lot of negative reviews and poor ratings can lead to restriction of account as well.
  • Sale of goods prohibited by Amazon or without certificate. Selling prohibited goods stated in their policy without needed certification might attract a penalty. The second point is the restricted categories in which products can only be sold after prior approval by Amazon. If your product belongs to this category, but you list it before pre-approval, your account may be blocked. In addition, for many categories of goods, it is necessary to provide special safety certificates issued by the relevant third-party authority, as well as download other documents that confirm the consist and safety of materials, components, etc.
  • Sale of counterfeit goods. Products owned by Amazon are of the required quality. Nevertheless, the chance of getting faked items is high, especially if there are third-party sellers involved. You should only cooperate with trusted suppliers of goods and always control the quality of your inventory.
  • Copyright infringement, lack of a full package of documents. Amazon could get your seller account suspended if you’re selling goods registered under another brand, and the buyers or brand agents raise issues of infringements. You also cannot use other people's logo, names, photos to deceive buyers.

Poor Services

  • Mismatch order defect rate, pre-fulfillment cancellation rate, late shipment rate metrics to Amazon rateIf the main metrics in the Seller’s Account do not meet the requirements of Amazon, then the account may be suspended or completely closed. Make sure that the Order Defect Rate does not rise above 1%, the Pre-Fulfillment Cancellation Rate is less than 2.5%, and the late shipment rate is less than 4%.
  • Poor communication with customers. If buyers complain of poor communication with the seller, perhaps their emails or text messages weren’t handled properly, which could lead to the negative feedback and it will put the account at risk of being audited. Respond to customer requests, politely answer their questions and try to solve the problems as soon as possible. So you will win their trust and favour.

Frauds with Reviews, Bad Reviews

  • Buying reviews, requests to leave positive product reviews. Luring your buyers to review your product positively only to attract a better rating to boost sales is another reason why Amazon bans the seller’s account. You should not offer a reward for a positive review, reimburse the cost of the purchased goods in return for the leaving a positive reviews, or offer discounts, gifts and any other types of rewards. Any attempt to manipulate feedback reviews will lead to serious consequences. At first, Amazon will warn you, but if it continues, your account will be banned. It will be better to use legitimate ways to get the reviews which we talked about earlier.
  • A large number of negative reviews or feedbacks. Amazon audits your seller account and monitors your seller performance. If you have a lot of negative reviews for the products which you offer or negative feedbacks, the platform will suspend your account immediately.

Listing Incorrect

  • Invalid listing information. Presenting false details in your product listing just to step ahead in the product ranking tends to cause a negative response from your buyers. Inaccurate product information and product graphic description, as well as adding false information about pricing, manufacturer, promotion, logistics, and freight costs, which do not relate to your product. Your Amazon Account can be put under restriction measures if the mentioned situations become clear. Stating false information is surely not tolerable for Amazon.  In addition, buyers will quickly reveal the fraud and will definitely leave negative reviews, which will certainly affect your account.
  • Listing mismatch to the rules of Amazon. Amazon clearly regulates the rules for filling out the listing for different products,  the options for writing Title, Description, and the use of keywords. You should also read all the requirements for photographs, video content and other materials that you intend to upload to the listing. If you follow these rules and recommendations, you will have nothing to fear from suspending your account for this reason. Make sure you comply with Amazon listing specifications.

Other Reasons for Account Banning

  • UPC code fraud. If you sell products on Amazon, you must receive a unique UPC code that identifies your business and the products that relate to it. If you use illegal sources to obtain such a code, you run the risk of getting an account block forever. 
  • Using multiple Amazon accounts. Using identical information to register numerous accounts could lead to suspending your account. A seller must not utilize the same identity information to make another Amazon account.
  • Hijacking listings of other sellers. Having an identical copy of other seller’s listing such as title, description, images, and other details, which belong to other brand sellers, might result to account suspension due to rights infringement. Amazon strictly monitors this, and if you'll hijack someone else's lists, your account will be blocked.


Recently Amazon made some changes to the Amazon Seller agreement. According to the latest modifications, a thirty days’ notice would be provided to sellers before account suspension. Therefore, Amazon will also offer reasons for account suspension to safeguard merchants from possibly unfair suspensions. That was the outcome of the settlement between the German and Amazon anti-trust authorities.

To sum up, you must not forget that selling on Amazon means they can throw you out as per their preference. All you need to do is to do your best according to your potential. Keep your seller account as transparent as possible. Make sure you also pay attention to your listings, keep your documentation ready and keep cross-checking for any wrong imitation.

Don’t be afraid to take some legal actions if you believe in your innocence and feel the platform has been violating your selling rights. Become a smart seller, and we wish you good luck!