What Is an Amazon Product Bundle?
If you think Amazon product bundles are just like multi-packs, you are wrong. The practice of selling multi-packs is not encouraged on Amazon. Product bundles on Amazon are all about providing new unique opportunities for customers. On the other hand, a multi-pack is selling similar products in one package.
Amazon has laid down a definition for a product bundle. It goes like, "Bundles must contain the products that, when packaged all together, enhance or eases the overall customer experience." In essence, it is all about creating value for yourself and your customer. That, in turn, enables an Amazon seller to maximize profits.
If you want to combine completely different products, such as a kitchen knife and shoe polish, Amazon won't allow that. The point is that bundles should bring real value to the clients, make their experience of interacting with you and with Amazon better. Therefore, such products must complement each other in order to be approved for sale in one set.
Amazon bundles help sellers to attract more potential customers. Usually, the seller who creates the listing for the bundle is the owner of the Buy Box, because he is the only seller there. Therefore, all orders go to him, which increases the net profit.
You can use bundles in your Amazon business strategy very successfully. But you need to know exactly how to use them, what the limitations are there and whether it’s worth it.
What Products Can Be Included in an Amazon Product Bundle?
Keep in mind, the products in an Amazon need to complement each other. Now, you cannot sell a camera and a hair spray in one bundle. However, adding a tripod with the camera in a bundle will make a perfect bundle. Another good example of a bundle is a kitchen knife and a kitchen knife sharpener.
This is a crucial point that needs to bear in mind. Because your bundling or product pairing is very critical. You need to make sure that the customer will want to have all the products in a bundle. Otherwise, customers will simply not buy it.
You can include not two, but three, four, five, or more units in a bundle. This is not prohibited by the rules. However, remember that they should all compliment each other and be useful to the buyer.
Picking the right products is core to providing value to your customers and to getting business success. You can look into customer purchase data and reports provided by Amazon. Look for the products customers buy together in the «Frequently bought together» section. You can also find interesting ideas for combining goods by looking at Amazon tips in the "Customers who bought this item also bought" section. Customer buy trajectories will help you to attain the right Amazon product bundling strategy.
Another idea can help you to strike an optimal bundle. Jot down the needs associated with the main product. Now, look for products that help customers to meet that need. Something, they will need to downline the line. This is integral in how to sell bundles on Amazon.
Why Is It Profitable to Sell Product Bundles on Amazon?
Let’s dive more into why selling product bundles is a great idea. Below, we highlight the benefits of selling bundles on Amazon.
- Providing unique selling benefits for customers to build strong relationships.
This is what Amazon encourages sellers who are thinking about creating bundles. The main goal is to benefit the buyers. If you give it, you will increase their loyalty to you as a seller and to your brand.
- Bundles help sellers to cope with the competition.
When you sell a one-off product, you are fighting against many competitors in the niche. It’s very difficult to achieve success in this case. Bundles allow you to gain customer trust faster, as they provide additional benefits (for example, products in a bundle usually are cheaper than units purchased separately). In addition, if you create a bundle that is impossible to copy (or very difficult to do), you will get rid of competitors at the start and will find yourself in a better position.
- Increased value for customers to get more sales due to creating attractive buyer offers.
People like to save money and love simplicity. So, give it to them! Bundle the products your customers want and set a «sweet» price on them. Customers will appreciate your concern so and the number of orders will increase.
- Growth in the number of buyers. Bundles attract many buyers.
Therefore, if they are in your product line, you will only benefit from this.
- Increased brand awareness.
The more people see your products and buy them, the more they will recognize your brand. Therefore, bundles are very relevant as a way to attract attention, because they encourage people to make a purchase.
- Even Amazon newbies can use the option to get a profit.
There is no need to analyze deeply the strategy, to conduct large-scale market research. It’s not difficult to create a listing for selling a bundle, any seller can handle it. At the same time, if you use the Wholesale strategy (and not Private Label, where significant investments are needed), selling bundles can be one of the profitable strategies for you.
- Seller always gets the "Buy Box" cause he is the one who sells the unique set.
This is only true for bundles that are sold under your brand name or are truly unique. If any other seller can duplicate your bundle and attach it to the listing, you will lose the Buy Box.
Therefore, try to add products to the bundle that will be difficult to copy. This will minimize your risks.
- Prevents unnecessary inventory stocking.
If you have slow-moving inventory, creating bundles can help you to get rid of it. You can offer such a product as an addition to your main one, slightly increasing its cost. So, you sell the stale product and stay ahead.
- Saving on Amazon fees.
This isn't always true, but in some cases, it’s right that way.
All You Need to Know About the Amazon Product Bundling Policy
You should clearly adhere to the rules when selling bundles on Amazon. Let us see what this policy holds. This will help you to achieve better results and avoid blocking or suspension of your Amazon Seller Central Account.
How to package Amazon product bundles?
There are some products in the bundle, which can’t be the primary items in the bundle:
- Video Games;
- Video;
- Books;
- Music.
You can use goods from the specified categories if they complement the primary product. Let's say you sell kitchen items and offer a recipe book with them. Another example is sports goods. They can be complemented by DVDs with exercises that will help customers to achieve results faster during training.
You should also keep the following point in mind:
- You cannot include a branded product and a generic product in one bundle, because this could lead to deception of the buyer. Non-branded products can be bundled with other non-branded goods that complement each other.
- Make sure all the bundle aspects (features, descriptions, and images) are in perfect accordance with the Amazon listing policies.
- The referral fee which Amazon Seller needs to pay when selling bundle will be charged according to the category of the primary product and will be applied to the whole bundle.
- All products in the bundle must comply with the Amazon requirements and rules.
- The bundle’s listing must be arranged in accordance with Amazon requirements. This applies to images, description, title (special requirements are imposed on it, which will be discussed below), bullet points.
Multi-Packages and Bundles: What's the Difference?
In its rules, Amazon clearly states that bundles and multi-packages are not the same things. If you sell multiple units of the same product, identified by the same ASIN, this should be considered a multi-package. These can be sets of T-shirts, socks, or something similar.
Bundles, on the other hand, include different products, each of which can be identified separately by a unique ASIN corresponding to this particular item. At the same time, the goods included in the bundle should complement each other and be useful to the buyer as a whole.
This is why bundles can be a great way to sell products that for some reason are not popular or are just entering the market. You can push the buyers to purchase them along with another more popular product so that they can appreciate its benefits.
Types of Amazon Bundles
There is no step-by-step guide about what a bundle can consist of to guarantee your success. However, we have the following tips that you can consider to get an idea.
- Thematic bundle
Products united by one theme. These can be items related to the celebration of a birthday, housewarming, welcome baby party, or any other event. The main thing is that such a set must be useful to the buyer, and the goods that are included in it complement each other.
Popular destinations often include sports bundles, bundles with pet products, bundles for handicrafts, etc.
- Gift-themed Bundles
This version of the bundle can include a fairly wide list of products that are suitable as a present. They can be united by a common theme (for example, a set that includes a kitchen knife, cutting board, and cutting board oil spray) or simply compliment each other so that the bundle can be bought as a gift to someone.
- Generic Bundles
You can create such a bundle by including non-branded products. Keep in mind that buying a bundle should bring a positive experience for the customer. So, think carefully about what you include in such a bundle to get things done.
- Large Bundles
If you sell a large number of small items that can be bundled together, this could be your winning card. The rules for compiling a bundle for this type are also relevant, so the products should be relevant to the subject and complement each other. These can be bath toys, dog toys, fishing tackle, etc.
- Bundles with e-books or DVDs
Amazon's policy regarding such bundles is quite tough. However, this only applies when you are trying to sell an e-book or DVD bundle in which these products are the main items. If you want to create a unique bundle, which includes, for example, garden tools and an electronic guide to growing flowers, you will make the right choice.
This is just a shortlist of the options which you can use successfully. Consider how you can bundle your main product to get the most sales.
How to List Product Bundles on Amazon?
The foremost thing you need to know is that you must adhere to Amazon’s Listing Policies. When creating a bundle’s listing, there are special requirements that you must comply with if you want to be successful.
1. Choose the right category
A bundle can only be assigned to one category, even if it contains products from several different categories. When creating it, you must specify the category of the product with the highest value as the main one for the bundle.
The only exception can be if bundles contain BMVD or Video Games and they have the highest cost. In this case, you must publish the listing in the category of the product with the second-highest value.
2. Enter the unique UPC
You cannot use the UPC code of one of the products, which is included in the bundle, as the identifier of this bundle as a whole. The seller is responsible for obtaining and using a unique UPC for each new bundle he creates.
3. Use quality images
We mean not only the quality of the photos that you use. The first image should show all the products that are included in the bundle. Remember also that the customers want to see the products they are buying. Therefore, try to give them such an opportunity and post a photo of the products included in the bundle so that they can consider each of them separately.
4. Specify Product Title correctly
When creating a title, remember the obligatory requirement to indicate the word "Bundle" in it. Amazon gives clear guidelines on how to do this. For example, if your bundle consists of two products, specify them in the Title using the following format:
[Main Product title] + “Bundle with” + [Bundle Component Product title(s)]
If the bundle contains more than 2-3 products, indicate their quantity:
[Main Product title] + “Bundle with” + [Bundle Component Summary] + “(# Items)”
5. Create a catchy description
Description and bullet points are very important both for indexing a listing and for attracting buyers’ attention. However, in the case of bundles, you must also take into account other requirements of Amazon.
The first bullet point should clearly state that the product is a bundle. It should also indicate the number of goods that it contains, and they should be clearly indicated.
The description should also show that the product is a bundle. At the same time, you must disclose the features of each of the items included in such a set, and describe them as clearly as possible.
6. You cannot edit a bundle
Yes, we were not mistaken. If you have created a bundle listing and made it active, you cannot change its components. If you want to add or remove any products included in the Amazon Product Bundles, you will need to go through everything from the beginning. This also applies to getting the UPC code for it.
Buying a UPC (Universal Product Code) on GS1 Website is critical while listing your bundle on Amazon. We remind you of this again, because the practice of buying cheap codes from unverified sources was popular previously. This doesn't work today, so don't try to fool Amazon.
The Verdict
Surely, Amazon bundles are a great way to gain more sales. They are perfect for beginners as well. However, keep customer satisfaction, requirements, and value at the core of it. That is the only way you can derive maximum profits from Amazon Product Bundles.