What Is the Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR)?
Amazon BSR meaning is that helps sellers to know the product sales performance in a specific category. Best Seller Rank is an assessment of products on Amazon, in comparison with other products within specific category or subcategory. The lower the number, the higher the sales of the specific product. We can imagine BSR as position of product in the list of all products in product's category which sorted by merchantability from best to worst. BSR cannot be the same for two different products in the same category at the same time.
How Is Amazon BSR Calculated?
Amazon doesn’t reveal how BSR is calculated. Although we know that Amazon calculates a product’s Best Sellers Rank or BSR by considering the number of orders for that product compared to other products in the same category within a given amount of time. Also, we know that in calculating BSR, recent sales have a remarkable impact opposed to the sales which were made before. Historical sales matter, as well. However, we can’t argue that Best Sellers Rank is calculated based on these factors. However, they aren’t the only precise measures in which we can comprehend how BSR is made.
It is vital to keep in mind that product’s BSR is independent in different marketplaces of Amazon. For instance, you can be ranked in the top 5 of the Amazon subcategory, but outside of the top 50 on Amazon UK.
Best Seller Rank is updated from time to time.
BSR is tied to the listing. It is not tied to an account or SKU. If the product is in many categories, then for each category it will have its own BSR. According to the BSR, it is impossible to say exactly how many sales of the listing we are considering. We can only understand if this listing is more successful than another. Amazon also provides https://www.fbatoolkit.com/ to check on the BSR in the category how many sales will be. This is useful for analyzing goods.
Why Does the Seller Need to Know BSR and Follow Its Changes?
Best Seller Rank can be a valuable indicator of the overall sales health of a product, but it’s unlikely to have any direct effect on a client’s decision to purchase. Because of this, you may see best seller rank as a vanity metric which seller should not get too hung up on. Track it, by all means, however, never make it a target in itself.
Other vital metrics that you must focus on are:
- Quality and quantity of product reviews.
- Organic search ranking for relevant keywords.
- Seller performance metric.
- Buy Box ownership percentage.
- Competitor pricing.
When you improve the metrics mentioned above, they can impact your sales greatly while best seller rank can assist in showing the result of those hard works.
How to Track Best Seller Rank?
There are many ways to track BSR, such as:
Listing Page
On the Amazon listing page, you need to find product information. Just scroll down the product page and find the block with the description of Product information. Here, among other parameters, is the Best Sellers Rank (BSR). The figure below will help you understand where to track BSR.

Use Special Services
Yes, it is possible to track best seller rank even if searching page by page will allow you to see Amazon sales rank, this can be a daunting, dreary, and time-consuming task. There are many tools online which allow sellers to easily and quickly check Amazon BSR rank without searching page by page.
One of the most functional and easy-to-use tools is the TopBSR. This Amazon BSR checker tool is a smart way to track BSR. This service also helpful as it continuously tracks the Amazon BSR history. Due to the correct use of our service, BSR of your listing can be higher.
How Can the Amazon Sales Rank Be Used?
Amazon BSR can be utilized for a variety of purposes and is not just interesting for those who are already selling products on Amazon.
Product Research: look for products that have high demand
If searching for new items in a category of products, you can really decrease the risk of investing in slow sellers with the assistance of the bestseller ranking. If you like to choose a new item which will be thriving on this seller platform, the first thing you need to know is if it can generate enough demand. Amazon sales rank is an extremely smart way to calculate demand for an item. When the sales rank is good, the more sales it is getting on this online platform. New sellers look for items that have a sales rank of 5,000 or lower and can use for this Amazon BSR check tool.
Competitor Benchmarking
Even skilled sellers on Amazon can gather vital information by looking at the bestseller list. Competitor tracking and comparison with the strongest competitors are put here at the front position. If the same items have the same ranking, then it only means that there is a room for improvement for your items. Therefore, it is vital to monitor your product’s Amazon sales rank and your rivalry as well, so you can conclude how to optimize your Amazon listing.
How the Seller Improve the BSR?
Now that you already know Amazon BSR rankings, how it is calculated, and it’s used, perhaps now it's the right time to know how to boost your own bestseller ranking. To improve your BSR, you need to make more orders than your competitors. You need to work on listings, improve the position of your product by keywords, and do the whole thing to boost sales. This also takes account of instant response to the queries of the sellers, fast resolution of possible issues, and many others. The higher your sales in comparison with competitors in the category, the better (higher) your BSR will be.
BSR is a relative indicator of sales of goods in the category compared to others. On it you can approximately understand how well the goods are sold, as well as conduct research on similar products, to understand whether to sell the product or not.